Claude MCP
Claude Model Context Protocol(MCP),在 Windows 環境中 Step By Step 安裝步驟!
Enable Develop Mode Claude Desktop 左上角選項 -> Help -> Enable Develop Mode
按 Enable
之後重啟就能在看到 左上角選項 -> Developer -> Open MCP Log File -
確認 Node.js and Python Env
- Node.js >= 18
- Python >= 3.10
- install node.js or npm
# Check Version Command node --version or npm --version # Check root Path Command where node or npm root -g # Record the paths returned by the last two commands - you'll need them later # Ex: C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules
- Python:
- install python>=3.10 and “Add Python to PATH”
# PowerShell or Cmd ➜ python -V Python 3.12.8
Install Package Managers
Open Command Prompt (CMD) as administrator and run:
# For Python-based servers
npm install -g uv
Install MCP Servers
Global NPM Installation (Recommended for getting started)
# Install core servers globally npm install -g @modelcontextprotocol/server-filesystem npm install -g @modelcontextprotocol/server-memory npm install -g @modelcontextprotocol/server-brave-search
Python-based Servers
# Install the fetch server using pip pip install mcp-server-fetch
Configure Claude Desktop
Claude 文件位置:
%AppData%\Claude Desktop\
創建或修改 Claude Config 文件:
Config 使用以下 json 配置 (請自行替換成你環境中的 Node.js 或 npm 路徑):
{ "globalShortcut": "Ctrl+Space", "mcpServers": { "sqlite": { "command": "uvx", "args": ["mcp-server-sqlite", "--db-path", "C:\\Users\\YourUsername\\test.db"] }, "filesystem": { "command": "npx", "args": [ "-y", "@modelcontextprotocol/server-filesystem", "C:\\Users\\<UserName>\\Downloads", "C:\\Users\\<UserName>\\Documents", "C:\\Users\\<UserName>\\Desktop" ], "env": { "DEBUG": "*" } }, "memory": { "command": "C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node.exe", "args": [ "C:\\Users\\<UserName>\\AppData\\Roaming\\npm\\node_modules\\@modelcontextprotocol\\server-memory\\dist\\index.js" ], "env": { "DEBUG": "*" } }, "mcp-installer": { "command": "npx", "args": [ "@anaisbetts/mcp-installer" ] } } }
- MCP安裝與資料設定好後重啟 Claude Desktop
- 開進去因該就有顯示 MCP Tool
- 因為我們還沒設定好 SQLite 所以會有 Error
- SQLite 我是用Docker架設所以等等會修改
- filesystem 裡的 args 中的 Path 是他能使用到的地方
- memory 中的 args 要設定成剛剛 node or npm 的 path 中的 model 位置
SQLite - Docker版
modelcontextprotocol/servers - sqlite · GitHub
先把檔案下載下來並執行下列 command:
docker build -t mcp/sqlite .
docker volume create claude_sqlite
修改 claude_desktop_config.json:
"mcpServers": {
"sqlite": {
"command": "docker",
"args": ["run","--rm","-i","-v","claude_sqlite:/mcp","mcp/sqlite","--db-path","/mcp/claude_sqlite.db"]
嘗試執行 Claude 使用 MCP:
嘗試叫他幫我找尋 D:\Project 底下有哪些專案的資料夾
他會先跟你確認要用哪個 MCP Serve 並之後執行
完美的找出 Project 下的資料夾有哪些!!
之後要使用別的套件基本上也是參照 MCP Server 安裝方式安裝即可使用!
檢查 MCP Server 錯誤時可以透過 Developer 中的 Open MCP Log File 檢查 Log
modelcontextprotocol/servers: Model Context Protocol Servers · GitHub